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UK Prayer and Social Ministry


ABOUT ONM Ministries

A House of Prayer for all Nations



For Israel and the Nations as instigated by the monks of Bangor in 500AD. Prayer in a thin place in order to open the doors of blessing for all nations.  


For the work of the Kingdom of the living God. To be a light to the world in prayer, restoration and reconcilliation.


Taking to the streets to stand against antisemitism and racism in all its forms. Educating the younger generation about the holocaust.


Supporting Jewish life in our cities and standing with them when rising antisemitism threatens thier existance.         

Social Ministries

March of Life UK

We take to the streets ever year to stand against antisemisim and in frendship with the people of Israel.    

  View March of Life UK

March of Life UK


The faces behind the work

Jobst Bittner

Jobst Bittner

CEO & Founder of March of Life

Theologian & Author and fouder of TOS Minsistries International which encompasses March of Life global vision. 


Heinz Russ

Heinz Reuss 

Director of March of Life International

The main international director for all March of Life organisers worldwide


Mike McNally

Mike McNally

Director of March ofLife UK and Leader of ONM Ministries

The leader of the UK work of TOS Ministries and March of Life main organiser in the UK


Lynn McNally

Lynn McNally

Co Director of March ofLife UK and Leader of ONM Ministries

The co/leader of the UK work of TOS Ministries and March of Life main organiser in the UK



Gallery of Events

March Of Life Holy Fire Bangor
March Of Li feKids at Giants Causway
March Of Life Praying in the water
March Of Life Oxford University
March of Life Conference
March Of Life Rabbi David Singer
March Of Life Belfast Synagogue
March Of Life Tuebingen Germany